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10 Imported games

Checkmate , Black is victorious
PGN Import 2025.02.19

Svartur monbob (968)
Hvítur paulhuy1904 (200)

Checkmate , Black is victorious

Hvítur Blaadammen (649)
Svartur tranminhphuc194 (655)

Black resigned , White is victorious

Svartur ?
Hvítur ?

Black resigned , White is victorious
PGN Import 2025-02-20

Svartur 090909bbb (426)
Hvítur paulhuy1904 (455)

Checkmate , White is victorious

Svartur ?
Hvítur ?

White resigned , Black is victorious
PGN Import 2025.02.16

Hvítur kamilkhan1978 (918)
Svartur Dat741 (928)

Checkmate , White is victorious
Variant: From position
PGN Import 2025.02.11

Hvítur Quân trắng
Svartur Đen

White resigned , Black is victorious

Svartur Shining-mrjs (872)
Hvítur Zi0mek7 (901)